Border Collie for Stud

If you are looking for a Border Collie for stud you have come to the right website as you can search by both breed and location here. If you can't find the stud you need, be sure to check our breeder listings for availability as they don't always advertise their individual stud dogs.

If you are in need of Border Collie stud services it will almost always require a contract. This will often require a fee or in some cases the 'pick of the litter'. There may also be time limits to your contract so be sure that the female is in heat and ready to mate and be sure to ask about the consequences of an unsuccessful breeding. We provide a free ad service for stud dog breeders.


Birmingham, West Midlands B44 0RU

STUD ONLY - PROVEN BORDER COLLIES I have two red dual registered (KC & ISDS) proven Border Collies at stud to good temperament and healthy bitches. Broon (Astra Broon at Diagemtas) is a red/white ene...Read More

Adylinn Collies

Adylinn Collies
Kirriemuir, Angus DD8 4PN

Chipp is an extremely handsome long coated, very traditional black and white border collie. He is from a longline of Scottish bred collies and he is from top class work and show lineage. He has a fant...Read More

April Reid

April Reid
Cressing, Essex CM77 8DT

Border Collie for stud, Domini is about to turn 4. High drive, high energy, wants to work and please, very quick learner. Trained both Agility and herding, he was pegged as Team GB material before i ...Read More

Varuni - Border Collie Stud

Varuni - Border Collie Stud
Birmingham, West Midlands B13 9XE

Meet Simba, a 3-year-old black and white medium-coat border collie. He is highly intelligent and has undergone all necessary vet checks and immunizations. Simba's parents are both working border c...Read More

Bridle Dene Border Collies

Bridle Dene Border Collies
Halifax, West Yorkshire HX4 8JU

Benji is a home bred black and white male smooth/medium haired 4 year old Border Collie who is KC registered. He is handsome with brown eyes stunning in appearance and highly intelligent with a loving...Read More

Anushka - Border Collie Stud

Anushka - Border Collie Stud
Aveley, Essex RM15 4NT

Beautiful brown and white male Border collie looking for a mate . Loving and gentle temperament. Kiko is 1 year and 10 months. No health issues. If you are interested please get in touch. We do not wa...Read More

Kate - Border Collie Stud

Kate - Border Collie Stud
Stanley, Durham DH9 6QP

Hi, I have available for stud my stunning Very rare lilac & Tan Merle border collie, Teddy. His colour and marking are very rare and unique. He has one ice blue eye and one half ice blue/green eye. (A...Read More

Agnes - Border Collie Stud

Agnes - Border Collie Stud
Wrexham, Wrexham LL13 8SL

Border Collie, he is 6 years very energetic and exited to meet other dogs he is two coloured border colie but there are brown dots and the back but you can't see them because he is long haired and...Read More