Beautiful 6 month old male beagle - Bradford, West Yorkshire

Deborah atkinson
West Yorkshire BD4 9AR
Health Checked
Rescue Dog

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I'm selling a lovely 7 month old beagle he likes other dogs and people and kids as he's around kids every day and also other dogs as my partner has an support dog

But he doesn't like cats. I can't keep him due to my misses health as she can't hardly take care of him properly some days. It's a struggle and it's not fair on him. He's a typical puppy ,needs training. He's fully vaccinsted fleas wormed and chipped .

Also need to be with someone who can entertain him give him plenty of walks and play with him but due to my misses health she carnt take him for walks and make sure he's well entertain and can be let out to roam all time as he hates been locked up in a cage

His name is alife