Beautiful Strong Dobermann Puppy from BrutalDragons - Hull, East Yorkshire

East Yorkshire HU5 4HR

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This beautiful and strong male puppies is available for a new home. He is an european dobermann import.
He has an amazing character, well balanced. good for both -- first time dobermann owner or experienced owner.

Our kennel is dedicated to the preservation of the true dobermann by the standard. Our focus is health and characther.
We have produced over 200 beautiful and healthy dobermanns trough the years. Our dobermanns are coming from controled breeding, great longivity pedigrees and health tested.

What makes us different?

We breed for passion. We do not sell by middle man, you are coming directly in the contact with the breeder who is leading you step by step and organising all the process and delivery on your doorstep or can be also collected.
You get contacts of exsisting owners of our dogs in the UK and can get direct refference for their experience for us.

What do you get with purchasing dobermann from us?

- Puppy with the dog sale contract with breeder's guarantees on hereditary disseases.
- Full vaccinated puppy, microchipped, passport and FCI pedigree.
- Export health certificate (examination on a day of departure by the vets inspector).
- Legal import followed by paying import TAX, export/import declaration.
- Life long support for your puppy.

If you are interested in available puppies feel free to reach us by email, we will gladly provide you with all the requested details