Mutts And Mogs - Hogshaw, Buckinghamshire

Liz Hamilton
Mutts And Mogs
Buckinghamshire MK18 3LA
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Mutts and Mogs offers a multitude of services to a variety of pets. Dog walking, pet sitting, home visits to include cat and small animal visits, puppy visits, day boarding and equine services. All services provided by pet carers with a real love of animals! We offer a flexible service, tailored to our clients needs, and we offer a free initial visit to meet your pets and discuss your requirements. Mutts and Mogs is based in Hogshaw, Buckinghamshire and covers both Buckingham and Aylesbury, and many villages in between. Visits over 10 miles from Hogshaw may incur a mileage charge. Please see our website for more details Mutts and Mogs are fully insured with Cliverton insurers.

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