Countryk9s Pet Care - Stevenage, Hertfordshire

Lesa / Belinda
Countryk9s Pet Care
Moors Ley, Walkern
Hertfordshire SG2 7NG
Services Provided:
Micro Chipping
Pet Taxi


Rating: not reviewed

Not Yet Reviewed

Covering the following areas, Walkern, Stevenage, Great Ashby, Benington, Aston, Ardley, Watton at Stone, Datchworth and Cromer.

As a Full Time Dog Walker who has over 10 years experience in owning, working and of course walking, both large and small breeds of dogs, from the English Mastiff down to the Jack Russell.

.Dog Walking
.Pet Feeding (holidays/days away)
.Pet Taxi Service
.Small Animal Boarding
.Dog Boarding (within our own homes, not kennels)
.We are fully insured and CRB Checked
.Please see our website for further information
.Thankyou for taking the time to read this.

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