Angel Pawz - Skelmorlie, North Ayrshire

Pamela Clarke
Angel Pawz
18b Skelmorlie Castle Road
North Ayrshire PA17 5AL
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We have all your dog needs in one place. Operating from our salon based in Skelmorlie we have been in business since 2011. From Dog Grooming with spa treatments you can pamper your pooch from head to toe. In our boutique you will find a selection of collars, leads, harness, toys and so much more. We have carefully chosen all our products to give you a choice of something different from your fur baby. We also make a wide range of products ourselves from knitted jumpers to bandannas to wall plaques. Made by dog lovers for dog lovers. We have been walking dogs since our inception and have a lovely group of dogs, we are always happy to have new recruits for the Pawz gang.

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