Qualified canine professional and pet care specialist. Local references and loads of experience.
All Pets Welcome!
Services: - Clinical Canine Massage for better mobility, pain relief, quality of life and canine wellbeing. - Pet Sitting/house sitting - Solo or duo dog walking for quality one to one time, and dogs who prefer not to walk with other dogs - rescue dogs, nervous/anxious dogs, older dogs, larger dogs, dogs with pain or mobility issues - Pet care home visits. Kind, knowledgeable, professional.
Greetings! My name is Lia Maxwell I am a clinical canine professional offering solo walks or walks in pairs from the same household.? I am Dog First Aid trained.? I have in depth knowledge of dog anatomy, physiology, pain and mobility issues, and I specialise in canine comfort and wellbeing.? I have a professional clinical qualification in Clinical Canine Massage, and a professional practice, See my website. And embedded Facebook page. ?I have 8 years pet sitting and dog walking experience plus 2 years working in dog daycare.? I pet sit regularly and I have a profile with Trusted Housesitters. If your dog is older, nervous/anxious, has pain or mobility issues, or does not like to walk with other dogs – solo walks are the best option.? Your dog will get one to one quality time and care on our walks.? We can do on or off lead, fields or roads, or just a visit for care and cuddles. Cat and other pet care too! If you are looking for a someone to meet your dog?s individual needs, call me for an informal chat.
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