Sarah Stephenson Dog Grooming - Kendal, Cumbria

Sarah Stephenson
Sarah Stephenson Dog Grooming
Far End, Endmoor
Cumbria LA8 0EW
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I am an experienced dog groomer of 12 years, offering your pets a personal 'One on One' pamper session that they deserve. I cater for all sizes and breeds, from Yorkshire Terriers to Newfoundlands!

Services include:

- Bathing
- Clipping
- Scissoring/Styling
- Handstripping
- Nails clipped
- Ears cleaned/plucked
- Emmipet Dog Teeth Cleaning
- Canine Hydrotherapy and K Laser therapy through Splash in a Dash - Canine Hydrotherapy in Kendal

Puppy pampers under 12 months, get a free taster swimming session with Splash in a Dash - Canine Hydrotherapy in Kendal

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