Hello, our names are Katie and Darren and welcome to our page Homeward Hounds. We are a married couple who loves animals and the great outdoors. We are proud owners of 5 little companions who enjoy our walks and adventure trails. We are glad to offer a reliable, friendly and trustworthy dog boarding service for owners who are wishing to go away without the stress of having to leave their loved ones behind. We will be happy to welcome your dog(s) into our home and we will endeavour to ensure that your pets are healthy and happy throughout their stay. We will treat each and everyone of them as if they’re our own so they stay relaxed in a calm and fun environment. We are fully insured to help give our clients that extra peace of mind. If you’re looking for a professional boarding service that has a passionate and personable touch please don't hesitate to contact us. Thank you Katie and Darren
find us on FB - https://www.facebook.com/homewardhoundshastings/?modal=admin_todo_tour
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