Buzzin Around Dog Walkers - Catrine, East Ayrshire

Alastair Baillie
Buzzin Around Dog Walkers
Gatehouse Cottage, Daldorch Estate
East Ayrshire KA5 6NA
Services Provided:
Pet Taxi


Rating: not reviewed

Not Yet Reviewed

Welcome to Buzzin Around Dog Walkers. We look forward to welcoming our new customers and their owners to our professional dog walking service covering Cumnock, Auchinleck, Mauchline and surrounding districts.

With over 27 years of dog ownership, dog agility training and competition, we feel that we are perfectly placed to look after your dogs when you feel they need active walks when you are out.

All new dogs are walked with the group by a separate walker to allow for a gentle integration.

Please call or email Wilma & Alastair and we will visit you for a non-commital discussion on how we can support your dog care.

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