Mere Mutts is a dog walking service designed for anyone who doesn’t have the time to walk their dogs during their busy days. Whether it’s every week day or just on the odd occasion; a family day out or you’re just stuck at work; maybe you just feel that you’re too old to walk your dog anymore but want the company that they offer and could do with some help to exercise it? Mere Mutts Dog Walking Service is a small, fully insured dog walking service based in Ellesmere, North Shropshire, covering Ellesmere and all surrounding areas, including Oswestry, Whitchurch and Wem. I offer the dog walking service you need, providing top quality care for your best friends. Whilst I primarily offer dog walking services, I am also able to offer other animal care services that you may require, such as Cat Visits or a Horse Let Out/Bring In service.
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