Doggies Day Out - Chester & Deeside - Wrexham

Lorraine Edwards
Doggies Day Out - Chester & Deeside
11 Fairmount Road
LL13 9GX
Services Provided:
Pet Taxi


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Doggies Day Out - Chester & Deeside is operated under franchise by Lorraine and Neil Edwards from Wrexham. They offer a range of professional pet care services which include: dog walking, cat feeding visits and pet sitting. This branch was awarded the 2014 Doggies Day Out Franchisee of the Year Award. They operate a brand new pet transportation vehicle which is fitted with a roof vent, air-con and custom built dog cages for added safety and security. As with all Doggies Day Out branches they are fully insured and hold current CRB's (criminal record checks). For a free, no obligation consultation please feel free to contact Lorraine today. We look forward to meeting you and your lovely doggies.

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