WAG Pet Services; Walking, Accommodation, Grooming... - Kilham, Driffield, East Yorkshire

Jo Friday
WAG Pet Services; Walking, Accommodation, Grooming...
Church Street
Kilham, Driffield
East Yorkshire YO25 4RQ
Services Provided:
Pet Taxi


Rating: not reviewed

Not Yet Reviewed

WAG Pet Services: Walking, Accommodation, Grooming... Wouldn't it be great if your dog's needs could be met by the same reliable, trustworthy and professionally qualified person, who they would learn to love and trust. It is through my own experience of being a dog owner, whilst at the same time having to work long, inflexible hours that I have come to understand the need for dog: Walking - An honest, trustworthy, reliable yet flexible dog walker Accommodation - Somebody that would love and care for my dog as I would when on holiday Grooming - A competent groomer who would do a good job whilst treating my dog with the kindest of respect It was all of the above that inspired my exciting business venture. We will care for your dogs in our home like they're our own. Based in the Driffield/Bridlington area.

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