The HATCH - Brackley Hatch, Brackley, Northamptonshire

Maria & Jerry Closs
Brackley Hatch Farm
Brackley Hatch, Brackley
Northamptonshire NN13 5TX
Services Provided:
Pet Taxi


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The HATCH at Brackley Hatch is set in 11 acres of beautiful tree lined countryside & offers a wonderful location for your pet to spend time away from home. We provide :- Boarding Kennels & Cattery • Family run since 1986 • Large grass exercise paddocks • Collection & delivery service (pet taxi service) • Luxury accommodation 365 days a year • Professional & caring staff • Indoor and wooden chalet style cattery places Dog Grooming Studio The STUDIO offers a full On Site grooming service to boarders at The HATCH or on an appointment basis to non boarding animals in the locality. • Specialist equipment • Purpose built Grooming Studio • Optional dog collection & delivery service • Only Animal Safe shampoo products used • Helpful friendly & experienced grooming staff Canine Hydrotherapy The HATCH offer a full range of immensely valuable (and pleasurable) Hydrotherapy & exercise treatments, in its own fully heated / swim jet pool. • Purpose built 3.9m x 2.2m x 1.2m pool • Fully Trained and CHA certified staff • Useful as part of an obesity control regime • Single swim or customised courses • Treatments proven to aid faster injury recovery At the HATCH we are committed to always provide the very highest quality of animal care through constant investment in staff, facilities and equipment.......We look forward to hearing from you soon!

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