Canine Assist - Sawley, Nottinghamshire

Jon Davison
Canine Assist
Turner Road
Nottinghamshire NG10 3GP
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Canine Assist offer positive reward based canine behaviour solutions in Nottingham, Derby and surrounding Areas. Qualified in Dog Psychology, Dog Training & Dog Body Language - We can offer packages suitable for ever Consultations take place where the behaviour is happening (generally the home) and can last up to 2 hours. In that time you will be given clear instruction and guidance to help you overcome your issues. Canine Assist also operate a Dog Hotel where your pet can come and stay with us and live as if they were one of our pets. This offers a great chance for your doh to have a holiday as well - we will play and engage with your dog ensuring they are well exercised. You can even see what they have been up to on our facebook site. Canine.Assist.3

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