Jocebec - Llangollen, Denbighshire

Jocelynne Cyprien
Denbighshire LL20 8AF
Services Provided:
Pet Taxi


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Sharing your life with a dog is a fascinating, exciting and privileged experience. To get the most out of your relationship, you need to understand how they see the World. They need guidance and gentle training for them to understand what we want from them. This will enable you all to live a full, happy and problem free life together. Training dogs requires patience, consistency and kind motivational techniques. Socialization and learning do however, continue throughout life and helps develop your pet into a confident, sociable and friendly member of the family. About Us Let us take the worry out of your life. We are here to help train and care for your pets when you can't. Do you need to teach an old dog new tricks? Do you need some company for your cat? Do you need your horse feeding, turning out etc? Do you have to leave your best friend at home all day whilst at work? Do you have a new puppy? Do you have elderly pets? Then look no further....... Services Include: Training, Daily walks, Feeding, Playing with your pet, Grooming, Workshops, Ringcraft and Puppy Classes We are just a bark, meow, neigh,or chirp away! Qualifications We have 20 years experience with dogs, cats, horses, birds, rodents, rabbits and fish. We are qualified to care for any type of pet, and offer excellent training and we can also offer you a Mobile Grooming Service, qualified to Level 3. CRB Checked and Fully Insured "You will not regret it"

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