Day Care 4 Paws - Blackhill, Durham

Day Care 4 Paws
Durham DH8 8PZ
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Here at Day Care 4 Paws, we care for your dog and enable them to have fun while you have to be out of the house. Offering day care at extremely competitive prices (less than £1.50 per hour!) we pride ourselves on being able to undercut all known dog walkers in our area. Dogs have a thoroughly good time here with us and go home tired, content and happy. They have a large indoor and outdoor (fully enclosed) areas to play and run around in. Ball pools, paddling pools, sand pits, bacon flavoured bubbles and much more is on offer here at Day Care 4 Paws. With no minimum booking requirement, why not pop over to take a look or give us a ring or email to enquire? Your dog with love you for it! We are fully insured and licensed.

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