Boni & Guy Dog Grooming - Taunton, Somerset

Boni & Guy Dog Grooming
Rear Of 56, Station Road,
Somerset TA1 1NS
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A modern, well equipped grooming salon. Here at Boni & Guy we use top quality products and our groomers take care and time to ensure your dog enjoys their time at our salon.

As the owner of Boni & Guy, I am an experience dog person, I have grown up with dogs, handled at my first dog show when I was 5 years old and regularly compete at Crufts.

Dogs are my passion and at Boni and Guy your dog will be given the same care, patience and attention as I would give my own. Dogs are groomed to the owners specifications, all services offered, bath, clip, hand stripping, nail clipping, and a general health check up is given.

Free car parking away from main road for drop off and collection. Phone the salon for advice or to book an appointment. We look forward to meeting you and your dog.

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