Tails Of Tranquility - Paisley, Renfrewshire

Tails Of Tranquility
Mavisbank Terrace
Renfrewshire PA1 1TL
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We offer dog walking, dog day care and home boarding services in Barrhead and Paisley. We understand the needs that dog owners have and offer friendly and reliable care and excersise for your dogs at competative rates. As dog owners ourselves we understand the importance of good walks for dogs. It not only helps keep then fit but also helps stabilise energy levels and create a well balanced state of mind. Tails of Tranquility is our family dog walking business, run by me, Laura Baillie and my husband Stuart Smith. We share our lives with our own 3 dogs. Pablo and Flame are our 3 year old Border Terriers and Bailey is our two year old Stafforshire Terrier. It was our love of dogs and long walks which inspired the creation of our business!

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