Delgarno Gun Dogs - Morpeth, Northumberland

Delgarno Gun Dogs
Northumberland NE61 4JD
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Based In Northumberland I work and train our dogs for rough shooting, we work our Labradors and Cocker Spaniels on our private shoot in, the lovely Allen Valley near Hexham. We also have a fully working German Shorthaired pointer, which my husband uses for falconry. I train all working dogs whether they are for the shooting field or pets, a lot of people prefer to have a dog which is well mannered and obedient. I have dogs come for short breaks either a long weekend or a short holiday, where I can keep the training up to speed, I only have two dogs in at a time as I am a very small business, and like the dogs to come into the house with our own, they are not kennelled 24/7 and are exercised freely, where they can have a good romp and some controlled fun.

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