K9 Steps - Stanley, Perth and Kinross

K9 Steps
1 Murray Place
Perth and Kinross PH1 4LX
Services Provided:
Pet Taxi


Rating: not reviewed

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K9 Steps believes that every dog deserves some company and plenty of exercise but knows that the realities of life means that there will be times and circumstances when this isn't always possible. That's where we want to help out. If you're at work during the day, need to be away from home, find it difficult to offer your dog the exercise it wants or just want some help, then let us befriend your best friend. Our FULLY INSURED service will be able to help wherever you are in Perth and surrounding areas. We cater for all breeds and energy levels and are flexible in our approach to ensure that your dog is given an exercise routine that fits with your lifestyle and requirements. We can help with vet visits too offering a Pet Taxi Service and offer discounts for second dogs. Whatever your Dog Walking Requirements-K9-Steps have the solution- Call Us Now !!!

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