Muttz Dog Boarding - High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire

Muttz Dog Boarding
High Wycombe
Buckinghamshire HP14
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Home-based dog boarding and day care service in Bledlow Ridge, Buckinghamshire.

Any dogs that we care for will be welcomed into our home, taken on walks along the footpaths and bridleways of the Chiltern Hills and given free run of our fairly large, secure garden.

When out walking, dogs will be exercised off lead only when I am happy that they have a good recall and with the owners prior permission.

We have two flatcoated retrievers ourselves and as we want to provide the best care for your dog, we will only board dogs from one household at any one time.

I am a member of Nationwide Associates of Registered Pet Sitters and abide by their code of conduct and have full liability insurance.

In addition to this I am licensed by Wycombe District Council as a home boarder.

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