Best Friends Grooming Salon - Longden, Shrewsbury, Shropshire

Jessica Steward
Best Friends Grooming Salon
Myrtle Bank, Exfords Green
Longden, Shrewsbury
Shropshire SY5 8HQ
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Professional Dog Grooming Salon in Shrewsbury, Shropshire. Full Grooming Service for all breeds & cross-breeds Professionally Qualified Experienced & caring groomers The salon compromises of a reception / shop, a styling & drying area and a bathing room all linked together in a modern open plan layout. All of our equipment is top rated and very professional. We have a ramp for dogs to walk up into the bath and two hydraulic tables. The products we use a personally selected by us from a selection of the top brands used by breed exhibitors & groomers alike. Please visit our website for more info & pictures

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