Pyke Boarding Kennels - Sherston, Malmesbury, Wiltshire

Angela Stanley
Pyke Boarding Kennels
Knockdown Road
Sherston, Malmesbury
Wiltshire SN16 0NJ
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We are a friendly, family run kennels that has been established over 45 years. We have large kennels, kennels suitable for puppies and cosy kennels for the older or more nervous dog. We have lots of open space for our guests and they receive lots of human contact which is very important. All our kennels are heated, they have dog hammocks and raised beds all with vet bedding for warmth and comfort. We cover Malmesbury, Chippenham, Tetbury and the surrounding areas. With this said, we actually have clients who travel from Oxford, Reading, Salisbury, Bath, just to name a few, all to board with us at Pyke Boarding Kennels :) Please view our testimonials on our website.

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