Calm Dog Training & Pet Services - East Cowes, Isle Of Wight

Calm Dog Training & Pet Services
East Cowes
Isle Of Wight PO32
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CALM Dog Training & Pet Services is a family business, based on the Isle of Wight but able to travel world-wide. We dont just pet sit dogs, cats and birds, we can look after anything from Hamsters to Horses and Geckos to Golden Eagles, with our trained, insured and qualified sitters and carers. We are a licensed Pet Transporter with dedicated people to look after your animals whilst in their care. Our Dog walking service offers FREE heelwork training, to stop unwanted pulling. CALM Dog Training - offers individual training sessions, small classes or home visits. Alternatively, we can train your dog for you from your own premises. No sending them away to dog school! Please email for more information. Thanks References available and CRB checked

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