Dog-Father Training - Egginton, Derby, Derbyshire

Dog-Father Training
Ash Grove Lane
Egginton, Derby
Derbyshire DE65 6GU
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Give your dog a busy training holiday whilst you enjoy yours, and come back to a DVD of their work to take home, a full hand-over so that the dogs problems are over with yourself too, and 6 private lessons weekly thereafter to establish your "new" well behaved companion. Its not as expensive as you might think - book early We also do One 2 One sessions - group training classes - behaviour visits at yours or ours whichever your dog needs. We can talk through the options that are best for you. We are qualified trainers and don't rely on just "experienced with dogs" although have been showing,working and breeding since 1973 so that experience is also there. Call us for a chat on any issue

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